Broadcast as a Service

I want to
built a studio.


Whether in a permanent or Pop-Up studio, Mollywood ensures high-quality, worry-free broadcasts. Retain control and enjoy flexibility without high costs.

In-house studios offer a cost-effective and flexible solution for producing high-quality studio and hybrid broadcasts in a fixed setting. Whether live or for later broadcast, having your own livestream studio allows you to retain control over the quality, timing, and content of your broadcasts. If you currently rely on external studios or production companies and desire an in-house livestream studio without the hassle, high costs per broadcast, or significant investments, Mollywood is the right choice.

Based on your preferences, we set up a space in your facility as a permanent studio, connecting it to our central control room. Following the broadcast schedule—often planned well in advance but also accommodated last-minute—we link up with your studio and manage the broadcast. Before the broadcast, there is ample time for discussing details and rehearsal. After the broadcast, the connection is severed—no logistics or material handling hassles, just a worry-free broadcast. If you have too few broadcasts for a permanent studio, you can turn to our Pop-Up studio option.

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Curious about what we can do for you?

Mollywood shares a passion for technology with organizations aiming to create impactful broadcasts of high quality.

Your in-
house studio

Our remote
control room

Steal the spotlight in your own in-house studio with high-tech equipment.
High-quality visuals and sound directed from our remote control room.